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AP vs DE: Pros and Cons?

I need some advice. My school offers both AP and Dual Enrollment courses, but I can't figure out which one would benefit me more in terms of college admission and credit. I would appreciate if someone could break down the pros and cons of AP versus Dual Enrollment. Any feedback would be much appreciated!

3 months ago

Hi there! Your question is a common one among many high school students. Deciding between AP and Dual Enrollment can be tricky as each option has its own set of pros and cons. Let's break it down.

Advanced Placement (AP) Courses:


1. AP courses are universally recognized and widely accepted by colleges for credit, providing you score well on the end-of-year AP exam (usually a score of 4 or 5, but some colleges accept a 3).

2. These courses provide students an opportunity to dive into college-level material while remaining in the familiar high school environment.

3. Success in AP courses can demonstrate a student's ability to handle rigorous coursework, which can benefit a college application.


1. While taking and doing well in the course is beneficial, you must score sufficiently high on the AP exam to actually earn college credit.

2. AP courses, especially multiple ones, can represent a significant workload.

3. AP exams come with an additional cost (though a fee reduction is available for qualifying students).

Dual Enrollment Courses:


1. Dual Enrollment allows you to earn both high school and college credit simultaneously, usually without the need for an additional exam.

2. These programs offer a real taste of college coursework and can provide an understanding of the expectations at the collegiate level.

3. In many states, Dual Enrollment courses are free of charge for in-state students, making them a more cost-effective way to earn college credit.


1. Not all colleges universally accept Dual Enrollment credits, especially more selective ones. Always verify the transferability of credits.

2. Balancing high school and college responsibilities can be challenging.

3. Some universities may regard these credits as reducing your freshman status, which can impact housing assignments or some freshman scholarship opportunities.

If you have a particular college or universities in mind, it can be beneficial to look at their AP score and Dual Enrollment credit acceptance policy to assist you in your decision. Remember, both AP and Dual Enrollment indicate that you sought a rigorous academic experience, which is seen favorably by colleges in the application review process.

3 months ago

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