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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What are some decent colleges and universities in the DC area?

Hey guys, I'm from the DC area and would honestly prefer to stay close to home for college. I'm not sure where to start though. Does anyone have suggestions for some decent colleges and universities in my area? My preferred major would be something in the line of Computer Science or Electrical Engineering. Thanks!

3 months ago

You're in luck because the DC area has a proud selection of institutions that offer strong programs in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering.

Starting with Georgetown University, it's an excellent institution with a good reputation, but it's better known for its programs in International Relations, Business, and Political Science than it is for STEM. That being said, it does offer a Computer Science major through its College of Arts and Sciences.

George Washington University, also located in DC, has a School of Engineering and Applied Science that offers both Computer Science and Electrical Engineering degrees. The programs are quite well-regarded, and the school's location lends itself to excellent internship opportunities.

American University is another good option within DC, though its Computer Science program is still growing and may not be as robust as some others.

Moving just outside of DC, you'll find the University of Maryland, College Park, which has a well-regarded Computer Science program that is ranked highly nationally.

Similarly, Virginia Tech, while a bit further away in Blacksburg, VA, has strong programs in both Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. It's also part of the Washington DC area's technology corridor, attracting many tech companies and therefore offering numerous internship and job opportunities for students.

Lastly, The Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore is within a reasonable distance from DC (about an hour). They have a renowned Engineering program and the Computer Science department is well respected.

Each of these universities offers unique advantages, so I would highly recommend visiting the websites of these colleges to get a better understanding of their curriculum, faculty, internship opportunities, etc. That way you’ll get a feel for where you might best fit academically and culturally. Remember to take note of admissions requirements and deadlines so you can prepare your application components accordingly. Good luck!

3 months ago

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