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Division 1 Soccer Schools?

Hey, y'all! So, I'm a junior and I play soccer. I'm looking to get recruited by a D1 school. Anyone know what schools are known for their D1 soccer programs?

3 months ago

Sure thing! There are quite a number of schools that have highly competitive Division 1 soccer programs. I'll list a few:

1. Stanford University: Both Stanford's men's and women's soccer teams have seen tournament success. The women's team has claimed multiple NCAA championships.

2. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill: UNC Chapel Hill has a solid history in Division I soccer, particularly the women's team, which has won multiple NCAA championships.

3. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA): UCLA's men's and women's soccer teams have consistently performed well.

4. University of Virginia: The men's soccer team at UVA is quite competitive and has won a number of NCAA championships.

5. Georgetown University: Georgetown's men's soccer team has performed brilliantly in recent years, winning the NCAA championship.

6. Florida State University: The women's soccer team at FSU has had excellent standing in the NCAA tournament.

Remember, though, that while a college's competitiveness in soccer is important, factors such as coaching style, team culture, and academic fit should not be overlooked. Be sure to research each school thoroughly and if possible, try to visit the campuses or get in touch with the coaching team to better understand what each program offers. Good luck with your college journey!

3 months ago

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