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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

When are college admission decisions usually due?

Kinda new to all this college application stuff. When should I expect schools to send out their admission decisions? Is there a general timeline that most colleges follow?

3 months ago

Different colleges do indeed have different timelines for sending out their admission decisions. However, there are some general guidelines:

- Early Decision I and Early Action decisions usually arrive in mid-December.

- Early Decision II usually have their decisions out in late January or early February.

- Regular Decision notifications typically come out from mid-March to early April.

Remember, these are approximate times. Some colleges can release decisions earlier or later than the general timelines. Usually, when you submit your application, the college will let you know when to expect a decision by. It's always best practice to check each individual college's timeline to know when exactly you'll hear back on your application.

3 months ago

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