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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Where can I find reliable rankings of undergraduate Business Schools?

Hey, I am really interested in pursuing a business degree but I'm having trouble figuring out which schools have the best undergrad business programs. Does anyone know a reliable source to check for rankings?

3 months ago

Sure, there are many resources you can use to find reliable undergraduate business school rankings. Here are a few that could be helpful:

1. US News and World Report: They publish an annual list ranking undergraduate business programs. Their listings include detail on both overall programs and individual specialties.

2. Poets & Quants for Undergrads: This is a very detailed, business-focused resource that ranks schools based on factors like admissions standards, academic experience, and employment outcomes.

3. Bloomberg Businessweek: Although they no longer rank undergraduate business programs, Bloomberg Businessweek's past rankings could give you a historical perspective on program quality.

Remember, while rankings can be helpful, each ranking system uses different criteria, and they may not all weigh the factors that are most important to you equally. For example, some rankings might place more emphasis on selectivity or average graduate salary, while others might prioritize student satisfaction or faculty resources.

It is also worthwhile to look at the curriculum of the programs you're interested in to see what courses, concentrations, or experiential learning opportunities they offer. Furthermore, consulting platforms like CollegeVine can provide insights into college fit and real experiences of students studying business, which can supplement the more statistical data offered in the rankings.

3 months ago

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