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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Does anyone have experience with Rate My Professors for UCSB?

So I'm considering UC Santa Barbara and I'm trying to get a sense of what the professors and courses are like. Has anyone used Rate My Professors for UCSB, and was it helpful/reliable?

3 months ago

As a current college student who has used Rate My Professors extensively throughout my years in college, I can say that the site can be a helpful tool when selecting classes and learning more about professors. That said, take the reviews with a grain of salt.

Remember, opinions are inherently subjective. People have different learning styles, so a teaching method that works great for one student might not work as well for another. Furthermore, it's also important to remember that students might be more likely to leave a review if they had a really good or a really bad experience, which can skew perceptions.

For UCSB specifically, Rate My Professors has a large number of ratings for many of the university's professors. This variety of reviews can give you a broader sense of these educators' teaching styles and course structures.

Just remember to also review the syllabus and consult with academic advisors or fellow students to get a more comprehensive understanding of what specific classes and professors are like. It's always beneficial to collect as much information as you can to make the most informed decision.

3 months ago

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