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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How much do college admissions stats matter?

Hey y'all, wondering how much weight should I place on college admissions statistics? I mean, I don't have perfect grades but I've been pretty involved in my community and taken on leadership roles in a few clubs. Is it possible to get into a competitive school with less-than-perfect stats? Heads up, I'm feeling a little stressed about this.

3 months ago

I want to reassure you that your performance in high school is viewed in a comprehensive way, with a focus on academic rigor, grades, test scores (if you choose to submit them), and extracurricular involvement. It's normal to feel stressed, but do remember that one's admission potential is not solely defined by numbers on paper.

For most competitive colleges, a strong record of grades and coursework is important because it provides evidence of your academic preparation for college-level work. That said, not having "perfect" grades won't automatically disqualify you. Many colleges value growth and improvement. If your grades started low but have been on an upward trend, that could demonstrate to an admissions officer your commitment to learning and your resilience.

Extracurricular involvement—especially demonstrating leadership roles—is also highly regarded. Admissions officers look positively upon students who have made dedicated and meaningful contributions to their clubs, communities, or causes, and those who have taken on responsibilities in those areas. This can signal potential for continued involvement at the college level which can bring diversity and vibrancy to the student body.

Admissions statistics provide useful context, enabling you to understand the typical profile of admitted students and to gauge how your academic history compares to theirs. However, they should not deter you from applying if you believe that the school is a good fit for your interests and aspirations.

In the end, admissions decisions are nuanced, often taking many factors into consideration. Present your application in the best light possible, highlighting your strengths, interests, passions, and how these will contribute to the school's community. You might be pleasantly surprised by the outcome.

3 months ago

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