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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Any ideas when Clemson releases early action decisions?

I'm starting to stress about the whole application process and I want to try and plan out my timeline as best as possible. Does anyone have any info about when Clemson typically announces their early action decisions?

3 months ago

Clemson University typically begins announcing its early action decisions in early December. The specific date can vary from year to year, but if you applied by the early action deadline (usually in late October or early November), you can generally expect to receive a decision around this time.

However, keep in mind that exact timelines can vary, and it's best to check directly with the admissions office for the most accurate information. Also, try to stay patient and not to stress too much - the admissions process is a waiting game, and you've done your part by submitting your application. Now it's just a matter of waiting for the results to come in.

Remember that you'd also have to respond to their offer (should you get one and choose to accept it) typically by May 1st, so you'll have some time to consider your options after the decisions are out.

3 months ago

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