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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Stressing about Recommendation Letters

So, it's about that time to start getting those college recommendation letters. Who should I ask? I've had some great teachers, but I'm not sure who'd write the most effective letter. Any advice on how to choose and approach the right people? Thanks!

3 months ago

When deciding which teacher(s) to ask for a letter of recommendation, there are a few key factors to consider. Firstly, you should identify teachers who know you well, not just those in whose class you earned good grades. A teacher who has a deeper understanding of your work ethic, passion, and character will be able to describe you more accurately and compellingly.

Secondly, consider the subject area. If you know what you intend to major in, it’s beneficial to ask a teacher in that discipline. For example, if you're interested in Computer Science, a recommendation letter from your computer or math teacher would be more impactful.

Lastly, consider who would write the most persuasive letter. Think about teachers with whom you have a good rapport, and those you've engaged with beyond just the classroom—perhaps you were part of a club they supervised, or you took part in a project they coordinated.

On the approach, be respectful and give them ample time to write the letter—usually a month or more is a good rule of thumb. When asking, explain why you’ve chosen them specifically and share what you hope they could potentially address in the letter, based on your experiences in their class. Also, don't forget to give them all the information they need, such as due dates, any forms they need to complete, and where the letter needs to be sent.

Remember, asking for a recommendation letter is a common part of the application process and most teachers are familiar with this request. so don’t be afraid to ask. Good luck!

3 months ago

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