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Where to pursue a Bachelor's in Creative Writing?

Hey friends! So, I'm seriously considering pursuing a creative writing degree but I'm unsure where. Can you guys recommend any colleges or universities that offer robust Creative Writing Bachelor's programs? Thank you, your input would really matter to me.

3 months ago

Certainly! When it comes to studying Creative Writing, several schools standout for the strength of their programs. Let's dive right into some of them:

1. Emory University in Atlanta has a great program. They offer both a major and a minor in Creative Writing, are home to acclaimed writers and poets who actively teach, and even have an undergraduate literary magazine where students can submit their work.

2. University of Iowa hosts the prestigious Iowa Writers' Workshop and offers an English major with a Creative Writing track. The workshop allows undergraduate students to develop their writing skills in a series of writing workshops.

3. New York University offers a vibrant creative writing program in the heart of Manhattan, with a myriad of famous writers and poets among their faculty. They also offer a low-residency MFA for those interested in pursuing postgraduate study.

4. Oberlin College. Oberlin’s Creative Writing program is one of the few in the undergraduate level that stands alone, meaning it's not under the umbrella of an English department. This gives creative writing at Oberlin a uniquely dedicated focus.

5. Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore offers a part-time/online Creative Writing program where students can study fiction, nonfiction, or poetry.

6. Hamilton College: Hamilton's open curriculum allows students to choose courses as they like in the pursuit of their academic interests. Their Creative Writing focus is offered within the English department.

Of course, it's vital to remember that the best program is the one that suits your individual career goals and writing style. My suggestion would be to pay close attention to which kinds of writing (poetry, short fiction, long form fiction, etc.) are most supported at each school and the track record of the faculty in their respective genres.

I hope this information helps! You have an exciting journey ahead of you.

3 months ago

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