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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Info About Bates in Lewiston, Maine

I've been seriously considering applying to Bates in Lewiston, Maine. Could anyone provide some general info about the college and the town itself? A student perspective would be greatly helpful!

3 months ago

Bates College, a small liberal arts institution, is nestled in the heart of Lewiston, Maine, and was founded in 1855 with an emphasis on egalitarian principles. Bates is one of the few US colleges offering a rigorous undergraduate education without requiring any majors or minors. Instead, the college emphasizes interdisciplinary learning, a deep exploration of a single area of study, and the ability to make strong connections across different areas. Because of Bates' academic flexibility, you can make connections between different fields of study and apply your learning in new and unique ways.

When you're not immersed in your coursework, you'll likely enjoy the robust student life Bates offers. With a variety of clubs and organizations operating on campus, you'll be sure to find something that matches your interests. Additionally, students have numerous opportunities to participate in local community service initiatives, which can be a rewarding way to bond with your peers.

As for the town of Lewiston, it's known for its colorful Franco-American heritage. It is currently the second largest city in Maine and has a kind of "small-city charm" to it. Owning its mill-town legacy, Lewiston has been experiencing a revival with investment in downtown areas, development of a thriving arts scene, and growth of local businesses. There are several festivals and cultural events that take place in Lewiston throughout the year, which the Bates community is often involved in.

Outdoor enthusiasts will find plenty to do as well; Lewiston is a stone's throw away from some beautiful natural landscapes, including hiking trails, lakes, and the popular Androscoggin Riverwalk.

While Lewiston and Bates may seem a bit isolated if you're used to a bustling urban environment, they create a close-knit community that's often appealing to many students. The college and the town have a symbiotic relationship and they support each other in many ways. Ultimately, you'd be joining a diverse and supportive community, both at Bates and in Lewiston.

3 months ago

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