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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How tough is it for out-of-state students to get into University of Florida?

Hey there! I'm considering applying to the University of Florida from out of state and wanted to know if anyone could enlighten me about the acceptance rate for students like me. Does being out-of-state make it tougher to get accepted?

3 months ago

While the exact acceptance rates can vary each year, the University of Florida (UF), like many public universities, can indeed be more selective for out-of-state students. This is largely due to the mandate to serve in-state students first and foremost, as a public institution funded by state taxpayers. That said, UF still accepts a substantial number of out-of-state applicants each year.

Keep in mind that maintaining a competitive application profile is crucial, regardless of your residency status. This includes not only high academic performance in terms of grades and test scores (if you will be submitting these, considering UF adopts a test-optional policy), but also engagement in meaningful extracurricular activities, and strong personal essays. Remember, UF has an honors program as well, which offers additional opportunities for highly motivated students.

It's always worth applying if UF aligns with your academic goals and personal interests. Whether in-state or out-of-state, it's your overall profile and application that will make the biggest difference. If you feel UF could be a good fit for you, go for it!

3 months ago

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