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Concerns about Rutgers University Meal Plan

I'm in the process of shortlisting colleges and Rutgers University is one of my top choices. But, I'm pretty picky about my food, not gonna lie. Can someone fill me in on the meal plan situation there? Are they flexible or is it one-size-fits-all kind of deal?

3 months ago

At Rutgers University, the meal plans are actually quite flexible. They have four plans to choose from: the 210, 255, Unlimited, and Knight plans.

The 210 meal plan offers 210 meals per semester and $150 RU Express. This is sort of the baseline plan. The 255 meal plan, naturally, gives you 255 meals per semester and an increased RU Express amount of $200.

The Unlimited plan is just as it sounds - unlimited meals per semester, Monday through Sunday, but offers no RU Express. This is a great option if you think you'll be dining on campus a lot or perhaps are involved in activities or sports that require high calorie intake.

The Knight meal plan offers the most flexibility with 120 meals per semester, $325 RU Express, and 5 guest meals. It's perfect for those who might not be on campus as often or prefer cooking for themselves.

Within these plans, you can eat at any of the four dining halls on the various Rutgers campuses. You're not tied down to just eating at the one on your specific campus, which is nice for variety. The dining halls themselves offer a wide variety of food, with daily menus and special themed occasions.

The meal plans are all priced differently, so be sure to see which one fits your budget, lifestyle, and appetite the best. Keep in mind some residence halls require you to have a meal plan, so make sure to factor that in when considering housing options. The important point is that Rutgers offers flexibility and choice when it comes to meal plans, so you can find a plan that fits your individual needs.

3 months ago

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