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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Info about Columbus Institute of Art

I'm considering applying to the Columbus Institute of Art. Does anyone have any thoughts or experiences they can share about the institution?

3 months ago

The Columbus College of Art and Design (CCAD) is recognized particularly for its strong programs in traditional arts, including painting, sculpture, and ceramics, but it equally offers programs in Animation, Design, Film & Video, Photography, and Illustration, among others. The faculty at CCAD are mostly professionals in their respective fields, providing a real-world perspective to students in their courses.

CCAD places a significant emphasis on the business aspects of art and design. They host the annual Art Fair, where students can sell their work and learn about the business of art. There's also an emphasis on internships and co-op experience, getting students out into the workforce before they graduate.

As for campus life, CCAD is located in Columbus, Ohio's capital, which provides students with numerous opportunities to explore the thriving arts scene - galleries, museums, festivals, and more. Additionally, the small size of the college can offer a tight-knit community feel, though it’s worth noting that the downside of this could be less diversity compared to larger institutions.

However, it's always a good idea to visit the college (if possible) or attend virtual events to get a feel for the community there and see if it aligns with what you're looking for. Also, consider reaching out to current students or alumni for a firsthand account of their experiences.

3 months ago

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