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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Cost of out-of-state tuition at UMD?

Hello, I'm an out-of-state student considering applying to University of Maryland. I was wondering if anyone could tell me how much the out-of-state tuition costs?

3 months ago

The base tuition for out-of-state undergraduates at University of Maryland, College Park is currently around $40,306 per academic year. However, this is only the cost of tuition and does not include additional expenses like room and board, books, and personal expenses.

Room and board, for example, can be approximately another $15,416, and personal expenses can run around $2,500. Please note that these are approximations and the actual cost can vary based on living arrangements, meal plans, and other factors.

Therefore, when budgeting for college, it's crucial to consider these additional expenses as well as tuition. Also, remember to fill out the FAFSA and apply for scholarships and grants that could help alleviate some of these costs. Always use the net price calculator of the school to estimate your actual cost based on your family's financial situation.

3 months ago

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