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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Where exactly is Charleston University located?

I'm a junior. I've been checking different colleges, one of them is Charleston University. However, I'm a little confused about its specific location. Can anyone help me out with this information?

3 months ago

It appears there may be some confusion here. It looks like you may be referring to the University of Charleston, which is actually located in Charleston, West Virginia. This school is a private college known for its programs in Business, Nursing, and Health Science.

However, if you're thinking of the College of Charleston, it's located in Charleston, South Carolina. This is a public university best known for its programs in Business, Biology, and History.

Both are in medium-sized cities and can offer different types of college experiences. Make sure to look into the unique attributes of both locations and schools as part of your decision-making process!

3 months ago

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