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What exactly is tested on the ACT?

I'm currently a junior and considering taking the ACT instead of the SAT. Could anyone guide me on what's tested on the ACT exam? Any specific areas or subjects I should focus on? Thanks in advance!

3 months ago

Certainly! The ACT is a standardized test that covers four areas: English, Mathematics, Reading, and Science Reasoning. There's also an optional Writing section if you choose to take the ACT Plus Writing. Here's a brief rundown:

1. English: This section tests your knowledge of English grammar and usage, punctuation, sentence structure, strategy, organization, and style. Basically, it's about how well you can use and understand the English language. The English section contains 75 questions which you'll have to answer in 45 minutes.

2. Mathematics: The Math section covers a broad range of math topics including pre-algebra, elementary algebra, intermediate algebra, coordinate geometry, plane geometry, and trigonometry. It has 60 questions that you'll answer in 60 minutes. It's important to know that you can use a calculator throughout this section, but it's still crucial to solidify your math fundamentals.

3. Reading: The Reading section assesses your reading comprehension skills. It includes four passages, each followed by 10 questions. The passages come from four different domains: Prose Fiction/Literary Narrative, Social Science, Humanities, and Natural Science. You'll have 35 minutes to answer the 40 questions in this section.

4. Science: This section doesn't test any specific scientific knowledge. Instead, it evaluates your ability to interpret, analyze, evaluate, reason, and problem-solve based on information in the natural sciences. The Science section consists of 40 questions which you have 35 minutes to complete.

5. Writing (optional): If you opt to take the ACT Plus Writing, you will write one essay in 40 minutes, which focuses on a particular issue and three different perspectives on it. You'll be asked to develop your position on the issue, and you'll have to analyze and compare your position to at least one of the other perspectives.

Remember, each section of the ACT is scored on a scale from 1 to 36, and those scores are averaged to create a composite score, also between 1 and 36. The Writing section is scored separately. Good luck with your ACT preparation!

3 months ago

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