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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Info on Emory's Common Data Set

I've been doing lots of college research and I'm looking at Emory University right now. Can anyone guide me on where to find their Common Data Set? It'd help me understand a lot about their admissions stats, student demographics, etc.

6 months ago

Sure, you're right in wanting to get the info from Emory University's Common Data Set, as it's a very comprehensive source of the university's admission statistics, student demographics, and more.

To access Emory University's Common Data Set, you need to navigate to their official website. While the university does not directly call it the "Common Data Set", they do have an equivalent in the form of annual Fact Books. Here's how you get there:

1. Visit

2. At the bottom of their main page, you'll find the “About Emory” link. Click on it.

3. You'll be taken to a new page. Scroll down and click on the "Facts and Figures" link on this page.

4. Once you're on the "Facts and Figures" page, you'll see a link to the “Fact Book”. This is Emory's equivalent of the Common Data Set. It's updated annually and is broken down by academic year.

In the Fact Book, you will find many statistics and bits of information regarding admissions, which include average GPAs, SAT/ACT scores of admitted students, student demographics, retention rates, graduation rates, information on faculty, course enrolments, degree programs, financial aid, and much more. Remember, each Fact Book is unique to its year and the most recent one will carry the latest data.

This should help you in your research. Happy hunting!

6 months ago

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