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Dual Credit or AP classes: Which is better?

So, I've got the option to take either dual credit or AP classes next year. I'm trying to hit up the best option. Has anyone had experiences with both that could give me some insight into which might be a better choice?

3 months ago

Both AP (Advanced Placement) and dual credit courses have their own unique advantages and both are good options. The best choice depends on your academic goals and the schools you are interested in.

AP courses, for instance, provide challenging college-level classes, known for their rigor and wide acceptance by universities. If you achieve high scores on your AP exams (typically 4 or 5), they may be translated into college credits at colleges across the country, and even internationally. AP courses might be a good fit if you intend to apply to schools outside your state, or if you plan on attending highly selective universities (since passing scores on AP exams are generally well-regarded in the admissions process). However, do remember that the decision to grant college credit or placement lies with the college, and policies vary.

On the other hand, dual credit courses allow you to gain high school and college credits simultaneously, typically through a local community college. These can be a great way to reduce future course loads in college, and students often find that dual credit courses are more applicable to their actual college coursework, as they are taught by college faculty. Even better, the credits are usually automatically accepted at public universities in your state, provided you pass the course. The downside is that if you move to a different state or attend a selective, private, or out-of-state university, these credits might not transfer as readily as AP credits do.

Before making your decision, you should consider where you plan to go to college and what your academic and career goals are. If you're not sure, try reaching out to the admissions offices of a few colleges you're interested in, to see how they treat both AP and dual credit courses.

3 months ago

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