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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Any Insight on AP Score Distributions?

Just curious if anyone has any insight on the AP score distributions. I'll be taking a few AP exams this year and would like some sense of how students typically score. Do most people get 3's, or is it equally distributed among 1-5? Any info would be great!

3 months ago

AP score distributions can vary based on the subject, as some courses are inherently more challenging than others, or may simply be harder for students to score high due to the way the content and evaluations are structured. That being said, a perfect 5 is often less common than scores of 3 or 4.

AP test scores are designed so that the majority of exam takers score a 2, 3, or 4. Scores of 1 and 5 are typically less common, with the percentage of students receiving those scores usually being smaller than that of the other three scores.

However, it's essential not to get too hung up on these distributions. Your individual preparation, understanding of the course material, and test-taking abilities will greatly influence your score. Additionally, it's crucial to remember that the grades in AP courses matter more than the AP exam scores when it comes to college admissions because they demonstrate course rigor and your academic performance throughout the school year.

Do your best to focus on understanding the material and developing solid study habits for your AP classes. That will prepare you not only for the AP exams but also for the rigorous coursework you'll encounter in college. Good luck with your studies!

3 months ago

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