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Best Colleges for Track Athletes?

Hey, I'm a junior in high school and I've been a track and field athlete since my freshman year. I'm considering running at a collegiate level, but I'm not sure what colleges are best for tracks and fields. Any recommendations? Maybe some institutions with great sports facilities and supportive athletic departments?

3 months ago

Yeah, sure! There are quite a few colleges that could offer you an excellent environment for track and field.

The University of Oregon is known for its track and field program. The university has a rich history of success in track and field and both, the men’s and women’s teams have consistently ranked among the top in the nation. Their state-of-the-art facilities like the Hayward Field, which was recently renovated, would also be a significant benefit.

University of Southern California is another great option. Their track and field program is one of the most decorated nationwide with many of their athletes going on to become Olympic champions. The Trojan’s athletic department is pretty supportive and they also provide good financial aid packages to student athletes.

In the east coast, University of Florida would be a strong contender. The Gator’s track program continues to produce top tier athletes and their facilities like the Percy Beard Track are top-notch.

You should also consider Texas A&M University. It's been traditionally strong in track and field with outstanding facilities like the E.B. Cushing Stadium. They have a renowned coaching staff and the department of athletics is quite supportive.

Lastly, LSU (Louisiana State University) is well-known for their track and field program. Both the men’s and women’s teams at LSU have been historically successful and they have a supportive athletic department as well.

Remember that it's not only about running but also finding a university that matches your academic interests and where you feel at home socially. Be sure to reach out to the athletic departments at these schools to learn about potential scholarships or recruitment opportunities.

3 months ago

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