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Choosing Between Calc AB and BC for APs

Hi everyone! I'm planning out my course schedule for senior year and am stuck between taking Calculus AB and BC. How do I decide which one is the right choice for me? Are there any major differences between the two I should know about?

3 months ago

Deciding between Calculus AB and BC largely depends on your mathematical ability, interest in the subject, and how deeply you want to delve into calculus.

Calculus AB is essentially equivalent to a first semester of college calculus, covering limits, differential calculus, and integral calculus. Calculus BC, on the other hand, is equivalent to both first and second semesters of college calculus. It covers all the AB topics, then dives deeper into integral calculus, introduces sequences and series, and ends with some topics in differential equations. In other words, BC is a faster-paced course and covers more material than AB.

Typically, students who feel strong in mathematics and have previously done well in pre-calculus or trigonometry might choose Calculus BC to challenge themselves further. It's also a good choice if you are considering a major in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics, as it will prepare you well for future coursework.

Alternatively, if you find math more challenging or if you haven't taken pre-calculus, Calculus AB might be a better choice. It moves at a slower pace and doesn't go as in-depth, so you get a solid introduction to calculus without feeling too overwhelmed.

Keep in mind that you should also consider your overall schedule. If you have a busy year ahead with other challenging courses or extracurriculars, it might be prudent to choose AB to manage your workload.

Additionally, your plans for college might influence your decision. Some colleges may give more credit for BC, so if you're confident you can do well, it might be worth considering. But remember, it's always better to do very well in AB than to struggle and get a lower grade in BC.

Lastly, you might want to have a discussion with your current math teacher or school guidance counselor; they can provide personalized advice based on your academic performance and career interests.

3 months ago

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