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Writing about personal experiences with bullying in a college essay?

I've unfortunately had to deal with bullying in high school and I'm thinking about writing my college essay on this experience. Do you think it's a good idea to write about such a personal, and somewhat negative, topic?

3 months ago

You absolutely can write your college essay about your experiences with bullying, as long as it is more focused on your personal growth and transformation rather than the bullying events themselves. College essays are meant to provide insight into who you are as an individual, and overcoming experiences like bullying can shape character and instill resilience.

The key here is to not dwell on the negative aspects or vent about the hardships. Instead, spend a significant portion of the essay outlining how you handled the situation, how it changed you as a person, and any positive changes that arose from the experience. Essentially, you want to illustrate your growth journey, which says a lot about your maturity and ability to navigate through challenges.

For example, maybe the bullying experience drove you to become an advocate for mental health, or it garnered you the strength to start an anti-bullying campaign in your school. Perhaps it even motivated you to study psychology to better understand why people behave the way they do.

Remember, your college essay should reflect your strength, resilience, and character. So, if you choose to discuss bullying, focus on the ways you have grown and evolved as a result of the experience.

3 months ago

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