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Looking for Good Pharmacy Schools: Recommendations?

Hey, gang. I’ve always been interested in Pharmacy and I'm starting to search for universities. Do you guys have any suggestions for good pharmacy schools? It would be great if I could get some inside info from current students or alumni.

3 months ago

Sure, I'd be happy to help. Generally, you'll want to look for schools that have strong science programs and specifically, a well-regarded pharmacy program.

1. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: UNC's Eshelman School of Pharmacy is consistently ranked as one of the top pharmacy schools in the nation. It offers a Doctor of Pharmacy degree and joint professional degree programs such as PharmD/MBA and PharmD/MPH.

2. University of California, San Francisco: UCSF's School of Pharmacy is also highly ranked. It has a variety of specializations and offers a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary study.

3. University of Michigan: The College of Pharmacy at University of Michigan is known for its innovative curriculum and extensive practical experiential education component.

4. University of Minnesota: Its College of Pharmacy offers a four-year professional program leading to a PharmD degree, and it's consistently ranked in the top three among pharmacy schools in the US.

5. Ohio State University: OSU's College of Pharmacy offers a Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) as well as dual degree programs including PharmD/MBA and PharmD/PhD.

6. Purdue University: Purdue's College of Pharmacy is known for its cutting-edge research, and it has a plethora of dual degree options.

These are just a few examples; there are many excellent Pharmacy programs out there. When making your decision, consider location, tuition, financial aid availability, class sizes, faculty-to-student ratio, clinical and research opportunities, and post-grad employment rates. It's a good idea to reach out to the schools directly for specific questions or to arrange a campus visit. Good luck with your search!

3 months ago

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