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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is AP Scholar a National Award?

Hello! I'm unsure about something and was hoping to get clarification. I got an AP Scholar Award, and I'm wondering if it's a national recognition? How prestigious is this and should I include it on my college applications?

3 months ago

Absolutely, the AP Scholar Award is considered a national recognition. The College Board confers this award to high school students who have demonstrated exceptional college-level achievement through their performance on multiple AP Exams. However, in terms of prestige, it falls into the Tier 4 category of extracurriculars, as it is fairly common among students who take several AP classes.

Given its recognition on a national level, it's still worthwhile to include on your college applications, especially if you don't have many other academic honors. It serves to highlight your commitment to academic rigor and your ability to succeed in a college-level curriculum, which can reflect positively in your application review.

However, as is the case with all components of a college application, this is just one aspect of a broader look into your academic profile. Admissions committees look at an array of factors: your coursework, grades, test scores, essays, extracurricular activities, and more. The AP Scholar Award can enhance your application, but it's not going to be a decisive factor. Demonstrating consistent academic excellence, curricular depth, and a strong contribution to your community are all equally, if not more, important.

3 months ago

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