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UW Madison student portal

How do I navigate the UW Madison student portal? I need to check some details for my application but it's a bit overwhelming. Any tips or advice would be helpful!

6 months ago

Navigating a student portal can certainly feel intimidating at first, but with time, it will become like second nature. When using the UW Madison student portal, here's a general guideline to assist you:

1. Login: Go to the MyUW portal and enter your NetID and password to access your account. If you haven't set up these details, you'll need to do that first. There are usually instructions on creating and resetting your NetID and password on the login page itself.

2. Dashboard: Once you log in, you'll be taken to your personalized dashboard. This will have various 'widgets' or boxes that each serve a specific purpose like accessing your email, checking your exam schedules, viewing your tuition status and so on.

3. Accessing the Application Details: To check details about your application, look for a widget or tab that says something like "My Applications" or "Admissions". Specific names can differ, but you'll generally find your application details in a section like that.

4. Reading Notifications: For any recent updates or notifications about your application, look towards the top of the screen, often in a banner or notification bar. These can be important deadlines, updates from admissions, or alerts from the system.

5. Navigating to Different Services: Use the provided menus to navigate around the portal. Menus are usually located at the top or side of the page and allow you to access various campus services and information.

6. Help Section: If you're finding navigation difficult, check if there's a Help or FAQ section. Help sections usually provide assistance, such as tutorials and guides, on how to use the portal.

Remember, it's okay to take some time to familiarize yourself with the portal. It may take a little bit of practice, but you'll get the hang of it in no time! Try exploring different tabs and services when you have some free time. This way, when you really need to find something, you'll already know where to look.

6 months ago

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