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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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UPenn Waitlist Woes

Just got the email that I've been waitlisted at UPenn. Feeling a bit stressed about it. Anyone have experience with this? Any advice on what my next steps should be?

3 months ago

I understand how you must be feeling right now. Being waitlisted certainly brings about a period of uncertainty, but it is not the end of the road for you at UPenn. Essentially, it means that the admissions committee sees potential in you, but they’re currently unable to offer you a spot due to the limited space available.

As for your next step—firstly, decide if UPenn is a school you still want to aim for. If it is, accept the waitlist offer promptly—there's usually an option to do this on the school’s admission portal.

Second, consider sending a letter of continued interest (LOCI). This letter should reaffirm your interest in the university and update the admissions committee on any significant achievements or progress you've made since the submission of your application. Ensure this communication is honest, concise, and sincere.

Third, stay patient. The waitlist process can be a long one, extending into the early summer. It's crucial that you don't put your life on hold while waiting. Commit to another school before the May 1st decision deadline—one that you'd be content to attend even if you don't get off the UPenn waitlist. You may later decide to transfer if you still feel strongly about UPenn.

Lastly, keep in mind that a waitlist decision isn't a reflection of your worth or capabilities—it's just a factor of space availability and the complex dynamics of shaping a diverse incoming class. Keep a positive mindset and look forward to the great opportunities to come at whichever school you end up attending.

3 months ago

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