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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Query About UTA Current Students

Hi all, I have been exploring my college options and come across University of Texas Arlington. Any UTA current students here willing to share their experiences about the quality of education, campus life, and generally how happy you are there? Would appreciate it!

3 months ago

Certainly, I'm here to help with your query about the University of Texas at Arlington.

When looking at the quality of education, UTA is known for a solid academic reputation, particularly in fields like engineering, nursing, and business. Their programs in these areas are highly valued and well-regarded both in Texas and globally. Furthermore, with a student to faculty ratio of 24:1, you would get a decent amount of attention from your professors.

Campus life at UTA is vibrant with numerous opportunities for students to get involved socially and academically. The school boasts over 300 student organizations, covering a range of interests—so you're bound to find a few that align with your interests. There's also the Maverick Activities Center, which is a favorite among students for its top-notch fitness facilities.

As for general happiness, this can vary significantly from student to student as it's largely based on personal factors. That being said, many students highlight the diverse student body as a plus, creating an inclusive atmosphere where everyone can feel welcomed. The supportive faculty and resources at the university also tend to contribute to an overall positive experience.

Remember that experiences can greatly differ, so I would also recommend connecting directly with current students or alumni through platforms like LinkedIn or UTA's own networking resources. This way, you can gain insights from the experiences of individuals in your intended major or those who share similar goals and interests.

3 months ago

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