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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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VCU Admissions - What's the Process?

Hello! I'm a junior starting to look at colleges - VCU seems interesting. Can anyone break down the VCU admissions process for me? Are they test-optional, or are they more into holistic review?

3 months ago

Let's break down the VCU admissions process:

1. Application:

VCU accepts the Common Application. It allows you to apply to multiple schools with one application, which can be a huge time-saver. With your Common App, you'll also submit a personal essay. The essay prompts can vary from year to year, so ensure to check the latest prompts when you apply.

2. Transcripts:

You'll need to submit your high school transcripts. VCU will be able to see your course rigor, your grades, trends in your grades (like an upward trend), and your cumulative GPA.

3. Letters of Recommendation:

At VCU, you are required to provide at least one letter of recommendation. This can be from your school counselor, or from a teacher who can speak to their academic and personal strengths.

4. Standardized Test Scores:

VCU is a test-optional institution. This means you can choose whether or not to submit your SAT or ACT scores. If you believe your scores reflect your academic abilities and can contribute to your overall application, feel free to include them. Otherwise, you can leave them out.

5. Extracurricular Activities:

Like many universities, VCU is interested in what you do outside of class too. Your extracurricular activities are a key part of your application.

6. Additional Information:

If there's anything else relevant you want to share with the admissions committee—maybe a family circumstance that's affected your education, or a significant endeavor not addressed elsewhere in your application—there should be an additional information section for you to do so.

Each of these components provides VCU with a deeper understanding of who you are as a student and person. Even if they are test-optional, their admissions process still takes into account a range of factors in order to gain a more holistic view of applicants. They want to understand your academic abilities, yes, but also your character, interests, and potential contributions to the VCU community.

Lastly, don't forget to check application deadlines and make sure you have everything in on time. That's always an important part of any application process!

3 months ago

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