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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Admissions queries for Ball State University

Applying for Ball State and kinda stressing here. What're they exactly looking for on applications? Any special requirements or expectations I should meet? Insight appreciated!

3 months ago

Ball State University generally uses a holistic approach to review applications, meaning they consider your academic achievements, such as your GPA and course rigor, alongside other factors like extracurricular involvement and personal essays, if you choose to submit one.

To break it down, firstly, academics are essential. Your high school GPA and the rigor of your coursework are significant factors. As for standardized test scores, remember that Ball State University has adopted a test-optional policy. This means, as an undergraduate applicant, you can choose whether to submit your SAT or ACT scores. Therefore, if you feel that your test scores do not accurately represent your academic ability, it's okay to omit them.

Ball State also values your involvement outside of the classroom. They want to see students who have engaged in meaningful activities and have taken on leadership roles. The level of involvement in these activities (the number of hours per week and the number of weeks per year you've dedicated) is also a factor. Think about sports, clubs, volunteer work, jobs, family responsibilities, and any other activities that have been significant to you.

Regarding written portions of the applications, an application essay is not required at Ball State, but it's an option if you'd like to add more about your experiences or goals. This can be a helpful place to share any special circumstances, challenges you've overcome, or highlight any unique experiences.

Finally, make sure you meet all the application deadlines. Ball State operates on a rolling admission, meaning they accept and evaluate applications as they're received. However, to receive maximum consideration for scholarships, it's ideal to have your complete application submitted by November 1st for Fall admission.

Remember, while these many elements are essential, no specific formula guarantees admission. The admissions committee at Ball State reviews each application individually. Hoping this brings you some peace of mind and good luck with your application!

3 months ago

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