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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Queries about Berry College Admissions

Been looking at Berry College for a while now. Would love to know what their admissions process is like, what they value in applicants, and perhaps the general atmosphere on campus. Thanks!

3 months ago

Berry College's admissions process is holistic, meaning it considers multiple aspects of an applicant, including academic achievements, letters of recommendation (optional), extracurricular activities, and personal qualities. The bulk of their evaluation is based on your GPA and course rigor. They do not require standardized testing for admission but it is considered if submitted. They also have a required college essay and resume portion on their application.

For Berry College, extracurricular activities are also important. Berry is a school with a strong sense of community, so they're looking for students who have demonstrated involvement and leadership in their schools and local communities.

In terms of atmosphere, Berry College is often described as having a strong sense of community and tradition, due in part to its location in the small town of Mount Berry, Georgia. The campus is often lauded as one of the most beautiful in the United States because it sits on more than 27,000 acres of land, much of which is maintained as a natural habitat. The student body is relatively small, around 2000 undergraduates, which allows for small class sizes and personal attention from professors.

Among the unique offerings at Berry College is the student work program, where students work on-campus jobs related to their field of study. This helps students gain work experience and make connections that can assist them in their future careers.

Remember, determining if a college is a good fit should also include a consideration of academic programs, available resources, and financial assistance options (Berry College is known for awarding generous financial aid packages). If these align with your preferences and needs, Berry College might indeed be a great choice for you!

3 months ago

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