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What is the Columbia University Science Honors Program like?

Hi! I'm currently a junior in high school and I've heard about Columbia University's Science Honors Program and am considering applying. How difficult is it to get into the program, and what is it like? Any information and advice you guys have would be greatly appreciated!

3 months ago

Hello! The Columbia University Science Honors Program (SHP) is a highly rigorous program that runs during the academic year, not during the summer, and offers courses to high school students from the New York metropolitan area and beyond. Also, it's worth noting that it is not a residential program, so students generally commute to Columbia’s Morningside Heights campus in New York City on Saturday mornings.

Admissions to the SHP is indeed competitive, although the exact acceptance rate isn't released publicly. The program considers an applicant’s high school academic record, teacher recommendations, and standardized test scores if available. Additionally, there is an Entrance Exam that prospective students must take, which covers topics in science and math. Preparing thoroughly for this exam will improve your chances of being accepted.

At the SHP, students get to take engaging enrichment courses in the physical, chemical, biological, and behavioral sciences, as well as in computer science and mathematics. Classes, which meet for 12 times per semester for 2 1/2 hours, give students a chance to explore subject areas that might be outside of, or in greater depth than, their typical high school curriculum.

The exact curriculum can vary from year to year. For example, some years have included courses like "Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience," "Earth's Changing Climate and Atmosphere," and "The Mathematics of Space Science."

Overall, the program requires a substantial time commitment that extends beyond just attending the class. Like college-level courses, these classes often have significant homework, reading, or project work outside of class hours.

One benefit of the program is the environment: you'll be amongst other talented science students, and this will encourage intellectual stimulation and growth. Plus, being exposed to lecturers from Columbia University can give you a taste of what studying at a top-tier institution is like.

If you have interests in STEM and you're up for the integration of more academic rigor into your schedule, it can be an excellent opportunity for growth and exploration. Just be aware that it won't automatically boost your odds of acceptance to Columbia. Prestigious programs like this certainly look good on your college apps, and your Columbia application could indirectly benefit from insider information you learn about the school during your time on campus. But generally speaking, Columbia won't give the program more weight than they would to a comparable one at one of their peer institutions.

If you want to learn more about how colleges weigh extracurricular involvements, I'd check out this blog post from CollegeVine, which breaks down the extracurricular tiers used by schools like Columbia: SHP would likely fall into Tier 2 for most students, which is quite impressive, but since there is a program fee (do note it can be waived for students experiencing financial hardship), it likely won't be in the absolute highest tier.

Good luck with your application!

3 months ago

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