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In your opinion, what's the toughest basic training in the US military?

Hey guys, so I've been doing some research on the different branches of the military and I've seen a lot of debate about which one has the toughest basic training. Can anyone here share their experiences or what they've heard? Thanks in advance!

3 months ago

Every branch of the military has a different approach to basic training because they each have unique roles and responsibilities. What's toughest can be subjective, as it heavily depends on what you personally consider "tough."

The United States Marine Corps is often regarded as having one of the most demanding basic training programs. The basic training lasts 12 weeks, which is longer than the Air Force or the Navy. Moreover, the Marines tend to emphasize physical fitness more intensely than the other branches.

Alternatively, the Navy might present its own difficulties, given the rigors of water-based training. The training incorporates a significant amount of swimming and reps in the pool, which can be especially challenging for those less comfortable in water environments.

The Army focuses on a balanced range of activities, including physical fitness, marksmanship, and even classroom-based instruction in military law. Army Basic Combat Training consists of 10 weeks, making it the middle of the road in terms of length.

Finally, the Air Force basic military training lasts 8.5 weeks, making it the shortest. However, it's known for its focus on academic learning and technical skills related to careers in the Air Force. Considerations include aptitude for classroom study, ability to quickly comprehend technical skills, and even endurance when it comes to being physically disciplined.

Therefore, it's not quite about which is the "hardest" or "toughest," but rather which type of basic training is the most challenging for each individual's strengths and weaknesses.

And of course, let's not forget the biggest contributor to 'tough' training - your drill instructors or drill sergeants; individuals can make a huge difference in the type of experience you have. A tougher instructor may make your basic training feel like the toughest one out there, no matter the branch.

3 months ago

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