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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

What's the deal with the Scholarship?

I've been seeing a lot about the Scholarship and was wondering if any of you applied or won it before? How does the process work? How competitive is it and is it worth a shot?

3 months ago

The Scholarship is a $1000 scholarship that's awarded several times a year, specifically to students who aim to teach, or have an art-related major in college. Eligibility for this scholarship extends to high school students, as well as college and graduate students who are U.S citizens.

To apply, you'll need to submit an essay discussing your college plans and your interest in teaching or art. The essay should be around half a page to a full page in length.

The competitiveness of the scholarship depends on the number of applicants in each cycle, but it's always a good idea to spend lots of time crafting a strong essay to make your application stronger.

As for whether it's worth a shot - absolutely! Especially if you enjoy art and are passionate about it. It's a great opportunity to showcase your talent, and the monetary reward is certainly a bonus. However, it's important to keep in mind that most scholarships are highly competitive, so it's a good idea to apply to several if you're looking to significantly offset the cost of college. The key is to be strategic and apply to scholarships that align with your interests, skills, and goals.

Good luck with the scholarship application process!

3 months ago

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