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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Insights on Alfred College?

Hello everyone! Does anyone have any experiences or insights on Alfred College that they're willing to share? Really trying to weigh my options here.

3 months ago

Sure, I'd be glad to share some general information about Alfred University.

Alfred University is a small, private university located in Alfred, New York. It's known for offering a personalized educational experience due to its small class size with a student-to-faculty ratio of approximately 11:1. This close-knit atmosphere provides students with individualized attention and mentorship opportunities, which could be a real advantage if you're seeking an intimate learning environment.

In terms of academics, Alfred University offers over 40 undergraduate majors. Some of the most popular ones are Art and Design, Engineering, Business, and Psychology. Alfred is recognized for its strong Fine Arts program, particularly in Glass Art and Ceramic Art (ranked top in the nation). Its School of Engineering is also well-regarded, especially the programs in Ceramic Engineering, Glass Engineering Science, Materials Science, and Renewable Energy Engineering.

On the extracurriculars front, you'll find over 80 student clubs and organizations from Division III athletics to performing arts, professional societies, and recreational clubs. It offers opportunities for everyone's interests, promoting well-roundedness and engagement outside the classroom.

For the outdoors enthusiasts, Alfred is located in a natural, rural setting which provides opportunities for outdoor adventure such as hiking, skiing, and sightseeing at nearby parks like the majestic Letchworth State Park and Stony Brook State park.

While location, academic offerings, and campus environment are significant factors, also consider your intended major and if Alfred University offers strong programs in that area, and the financial aid packages or scholarships, as well.

I suggest you try to connect with current students or alumni to get an insider's perspective. You might want to also take a virtual tour or even visit the campus if that's feasible for you. It's one of the best ways to get a feel of whether the campus culture and environment is a good fit for you. Best of luck with your college selection process!

3 months ago

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