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Best Colleges for Musical Theatre?

Hello everyone! I'm a high school rising junior super passionate about musical theatre and I'm trying to find colleges that have strong programs in that field. Anyone know of the best musical theatre colleges?

3 months ago

Absolutely, there are many fantastic institutions that offer robust programs in musical theatre. Here are a few notable ones:

1. University of Michigan's School of Music, Theatre & Dance: Recognized year after year as one of the top musical theatre programs, the University of Michigan offers excellent training and provides students with numerous performance opportunities.

2. Carnegie Mellon University's School of Drama: Carnegie Mellon is known for its intensive BFA in Musical Theatre program. The program focuses on foundational skills in acting, movement, and vocal techniques.

3. New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts: The musical theatre program at Tisch offers a unique curriculum combining training in acting, singing, and dance with the cultural resources of New York City.

4. Pace University's School of Performing Arts: Located directly in NYC, this program provides exceptional training in all major areas and also offers numerous performance opportunities.

5. University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music (CCM): The musical theatre program here has been one of the top rated in the nation over the years. CCM boasts a long list of notable alumni.

Remember, it's not just about rankings, but about finding a college where you feel you can grow as a performer and a person. Make sure to carefully consider the curriculum, faculty, alumni success, and performance opportunities when making your decision. And don't overlook the importance of college fit - you'll want to choose a school where you're comfortable with the campus culture, location, size, and academic rigour as well.

3 months ago

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