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Visiting Columbia's Campus

Hi there! I've been considering Columbia University pretty heavily and am thinking about making a campus visit. For those who have visited Columbia before, what should I look out for? Any must-see locations or insider tips? I want to make the most out of the trip! Thanks in advance.

3 months ago

When visiting Columbia's campus, there are a number of key locations and facets of student life to pay attention to.

Firstly, Butler Library is a main hub on campus, and it's beautiful both inside and out. Take some time exploring the various floors, as it provides a valuable glimpse into the academic life at Columbia. Columbia's Low Library, with its iconic steps and domed structure, is another must-see due to its significance as the university's administrative center.

Another standout feature of Columbia's campus is the layout, designed by the famous architects McKim, Mead & White, it's one of the few campuses in America with urban planning at its core. Pay attention to the feel of the central quad and the side courtyards as these spaces are critical to the student's experience of the campus.

Paying a visit to College Walk, a section of 116th Street running between Broadway and Amsterdam Avenue, is also a good idea. The surrounding neighborhood, Morningside Heights, offers a great deal of culture and charm. Local spots like Hungarian Pastry Shop and Tom's Restaurant are just a few examples of why the surrounding neighborhood is beloved by students.

Make sure you tailor your visit to your academic and extracurricular interests as well. If you're able to, arrange to sit in on a course lecture of interest to you. This experience can really give you an 'insider' understanding of the rigor and style of teaching at Columbia. If you're interested in the arts, for instance, visiting the Lenfest Center for Arts would be beneficial. Similarly, prospective students interested in STEM should try to tour the Northwest Corner Building, which houses cutting edge facilities for interdisciplinary scientific research.

Remember to interact with current students, if possible. They can provide valuable insights about the campus culture, academic life, and what it truly means to attend Columbia University. You might even consider doing a coffee chat with a current student. Visiting the dining halls, if accessible, can also give you a snapshot of student life and routine.

Lastly, campus tours might focus on the architectural beauty and renowned reputation of Columbia, but the realities of student life can sometimes be a different story. So notice other details like study spaces and dormitory housing, since those will be relevant to your daily life as a student. A visit to Columbia is an opportunity for you to picture yourself as part of the university community. Good luck on your visit!

3 months ago

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