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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Info on High Point College?

Hey guys, I'm starting to look at colleges and High Point popped up. What's your take on this? What are the pros and cons? I could use some unbiased opinions.

3 months ago

High Point University, located in High Point, North Carolina, is a private institution known for its impressive campus and student-focused approach to education.


1. Campus Facilities: High Point is well known for its beautiful and well-maintained campus, which boasts state-of-the-art facilities. Many students are attracted to the campus's aesthetics and resources, which include technologically advanced classrooms, residential facilities, and recreational spaces.

2. Personalized Attention: With a student to faculty ratio of 17:1, High Point is able to provide a good deal of personalized attention to students. This can facilitate a deeper understanding of subjects and foster close mentoring relationships with professors.

3. Experiential Learning: High Point places a strong emphasis on experiential learning and real-world experiences. They boast a robust internship program and offer career preparation resources to help students not just learn their subjects, but put those skills into practice.


1. Cost: High Point is a private university and, like many private institutions, tuition can be quite high. However, about 53% of full-time undergraduates receive some kind of need-based financial aid.

2. Limited Diversity: As of 2023, 76% of the student body was white. Thus, students coming from diverse backgrounds have expressed a desire for increased cultural diversity on campus.

3. Location: While the campus itself is quite safe and comfortable, the surrounding city of High Point is not known for its entertainment or attractions. Students looking for a more vibrant local culture or city life might find the location lacking.

Each student's experience at any school will vary depending on their interests, major, and priorities. Consider these points as part of your broader research into High Point and don't forget to try to talk to some current or former students if you can.

3 months ago

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