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Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

UNC Wilmington - how to contact?

Hey y'all! I've got some specific questions that I want to directly ask UNC Wilmington. Does anyone know the best way to contact them? I'm looking for an email or some other method. Thank you!

3 months ago

Sure, contacting a university directly with specific queries is a brilliant idea! To get in touch with UNC Wilmington, you can explore the following methods:

1. Email: If you have questions about admissions, you can email the Office of Admissions at If your question is related to academics or specific programs, you can explore the university's website for departmental contact information.

2. Phone call: The Office of Admissions also has a phone line available at 910-962-3243. They're usually open on standard business hours, so you may consider calling them during those hours.

3. Virtual appointment: Many colleges have started offering virtual appointments with their admissions staff due to recent trends. It can be worth checking their website if this option is available at UNC Wilmington.

4. Social media: In today's digital age, many universities have a social media presence. You could check out UNCW’s Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram accounts and send them a message.

Make sure to be specific and polite in your communication. This will ensure that they're able to assist you as effectively as possible. You'll also want to provide them with some context on who you are and what your situation is to get the most accurate information.

3 months ago

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