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Navigating Cornell's Financial Aid

So I've gotten a little confused about financial aid at Cornell University. Can anyone here provide some insights on their aid programs, how to apply, and what types of aid packages they typically offer?

3 months ago

Cornell University is committed to the principle that any person should be able to pursue higher education, regardless of their financial circumstances. To that end, they offer need-based financial aid. The type and amount of aid that a student is offered can vary drastically based on their individual financial situation. Most financial aid packages, however, consist of a combination of grants, work-study, and loans.

As it stands, almost 50% of undergraduate students at Cornell receive some form of financial aid, with the average need-based grant aid being over $40,000. Importantly, a notable feature is that students from families with a total income of less than $60,000, and possessing assets of less than $100,000, will have no parent contribution and no loans.

Cornell uses the CSS profile and your parents' tax returns to determine financial eligibility, and you will fill out the FAFSA as well for federal aid. In order to be eligible for need-based aid, you must complete these financial aid documents when you apply.

When applying for financial aid at Cornell, keep in mind deadlines. For prospective first-year students who are early decision applicants, the financial aid application material is due November 15th. For regular decision applicants, the material is due on February 15th.

Lastly, remember, financial aid packages are reassessed each academic year, meaning you must apply for financial aid each year of your time at Cornell. Remember to use the Net Price Calculator featured on Cornell's website ( to generate a rough estimate of your expected family contribution.

3 months ago

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