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What is the Accuracy Percentage Required for a Good Score on AP BC Calc?

So I'm taking AP BC Calc this year and I'm trying to figure out what I should be aiming for on the test in the spring. What percentage of questions do you typically have to get right to get a good (like 4 or 5) score on the AP BC Calc exam? Any insights would be appreciated!

3 months ago

The score you receive on an AP exam is not a percentage, but rather on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest. The scoring process involves two steps: raw scores and AP scores. First, your raw score is calculated, which is based on the number of points you earned on the multiple-choice section (correct answers are worth 1 point, and no points are deducted for incorrect answers) and the free-response section.

Then, these raw scores are converted into AP scores through a process called standard setting, which ensures the scores reflect an appropriate level of college readiness. This process is reevaluated each year and involves a panel of experts, including college and university faculty, who review the raw score to AP score conversion to ensure it represents the intended levels of achievement.

To achieve a score of 4 or 5 on the AP Calculus BC exam, it's generally understood that you'd need to accurately answer around 65-70% of the questions. However, it can vary by year and how the College Board scales the exam so these are rough estimates.

Rather than aiming for an exact percentage, focus on strengthening your overall understanding of the course material. Practice working through problems, paying particular attention to areas where you're less confident, and use study guides and past exam questions to get a sense of the format and types of questions you'll encounter. Understanding the rationale behind each solution will likely be more beneficial than trying to hit a specific question accuracy percentage. Good luck with your studying!

3 months ago

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