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Employment opportunities at Lehigh?

While applying to colleges, I'm also considering long-term factors like employment. Has anyone had an experience or heard about employment opportunities at or through Lehigh University? Are there good internships nearby? Any info would be appreciated.

3 months ago

Lehigh University, located in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, has a strong record when it comes to student employment and internships. To start with, the university's Career Center offers a number of resources to support students in their career exploration, job search, and networking. This includes workshops, one-on-one career counseling, career fairs, and employer information sessions.

The university has relationships with many companies across a variety of industries which frequently recruit from Lehigh. Companies such as PwC, Amazon, and Bank of America can often be seen at Lehigh's career fairs. In addition, the school's location in Bethlehem gives students access to potential employers and internships in both Philadelphia and New York City, which are just a short commute away.

Lehigh also has strong programs in engineering, business, and the natural sciences, which tend to have good job placement rates and internship opportunities. For example, Lehigh's business school, the College of Business and Economics, reports that 95% of its graduates are employed or pursuing further education within 6 months of graduation.

For internships specifically, it's worth noting that in addition to the opportunities located in nearby cities, many Lehigh students secure internships across the country and globally. There are also university-sponsored programs such as Lehigh's International Internship Program, which offers professional work experiences in countries around the world.

Finally, being part of the Lehigh alumni network can be beneficial for employment. The university has a strong and engaged alumni network, which can be valuable for job and internship searches as well as networking opportunities. The university's LinkedIn page can also be a good resource for exploring the types of roles and companies where alumni are working.

Remember, though, that while these factors do play a role, a lot of it depends on one's own initiative, dedication, and networking efforts. It's crucial to take an active role in seeking out these opportunities rather than waiting for them to come to you. But overall, Lehigh provides a supportive environment for career success.

3 months ago

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