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Deep Springs College Acceptance Rate

Hi all! I'm interested in Deep Springs College, but I've heard it's really competitive. Does anyone have any information on their acceptance rate? And any tips on how to stand out in the application process would be greatly appreciated!

3 months ago

Hello! You're correct that Deep Springs College is indeed quite competitive. The acceptance rate fluctuates year by year but is typically around 6 to 10 percent. The school only admits around 12-15 students each year due to its small size and unique structure as a two-year college.

As for enhancing your chances, Deep Springs College puts a lot of emphasis on intellectual exploration, labor, and self-governance. Students are genuinely engaged in the running of the college, even participating in college committees and hiring faculty. Therefore, demonstrating a strong interest in these areas, either through your essays or experiences, can potentially bolster your application.

Additionally, Deep Springs evaluates applications holistically (i.e., essays, letters of recommendation, interview, and academic record are all important). Having a well-rounded application with a rigorous course history, and engaging essays that display thoughtfulness and intellectual curiosity can be advantageous.

Lastly, remember the importance of demonstrating your individuality. Deep Springs values diverse skills, interests, and experiences in its student body because of its small size and intense community living situation. Reflect on the unique perspectives or experiences you could bring to the group, and be sure to convey these in your application.

Best of luck with your application!

3 months ago

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