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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Math-focused College Recommendations

Hey all, I'm in my junior year and I'm a massive math geek. I'm interested in schools that have a really strong mathematics program. Anyone got recommendations for best math colleges?

3 months ago

Sure, here are a few colleges renowned for their strong Mathematics programs:

1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT): Known for its well-rounded math program focusing on Pure and Applied Math, it's a top choice for aspiring mathematicians.

2. Harvard University: Harvard's Department of Mathematics offers both undergraduate and graduate programs, known for their rigorous mathematical training.

3. Stanford University: Stanford's math department is strong in areas of both pure and applied mathematics.

4. University of California, Berkeley: UC Berkeley's math department is versatile, offering a range of specializations from theoretical number theory to applied statistics.

5. Princeton University: Princeton’s math department focuses on research and fosters a promising environment for prospective mathematicians.

6. Carnegie Mellon University: Carnegie Mellon has a strong focus on applied mathematics and statistics and offers a unique blend of theoretical and practical courses.

7. University of Chicago: With a commitment to the study of mathematical theories, UChicago consistently ranks among the best math programs.

Remember, while these schools are recognized for their mathematics programs, it's important to also consider other factors such as fit, financial aid availability, location, and size. Every college experience is unique and there are many colleges with strong math programs, so definitely explore beyond this list.

3 months ago

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