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SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Looking for a list of Big Ten schools

I'm interested in attending a Big Ten school, but I'm having a hard time keeping track of all the schools in it. Can someone provide me a consolidated list of all the Big Ten schools? Thanks!

3 months ago

Absolutely, I'd be glad to assist. There are 18 universities that are members of the Big Ten Conference. Here they are:

1. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (Illinois)

2. Indiana University Bloomington (Indiana)

3. University of Iowa (Iowa)

4. University of Maryland, College Park (Maryland)

5. University of Michigan (Michigan)

6. Michigan State University (Michigan)

7. University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (Minnesota)

8. University of Nebraska-Lincoln (Nebraska)

9. Northwestern University (Northwestern)

10. Ohio State University (Ohio)

11. University of Oregon (Oregon)

12. Pennsylvania State University (Pennsylvania)

13. Purdue University (Indiana)

14. Rutgers University (New Jersey)

15. University of California, Los Angeles (California)

16. University of Southern California (California)

17. University of Washington (Washington)

18. University of Wisconsin-Madison (Wisconsin)

This diverse (in terms of geography and offerings) consortium of universities offers a wide range of programs, sports, and activities. If you visit their respective websites, you'd find detailed information about their specific offerings. Good luck on your college search!

3 months ago

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