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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's the acceptance rate at Willamette University?

Hey y'all, I've recently been looking into Willamette University. Does anyone know about their acceptance rate? Is it considered competitive? Any insights on this would be really appreciated!

3 months ago

Willamette University sits at a moderate level of competitiveness with an acceptance rate hovering around 78%, as of the most recent data. So, while it isn't as selective as some other universities, it still maintains somewhat selective criteria in its admissions process.

That being said, a school's acceptance rate doesn't always paint the full picture of what it takes to get in. Admissions offices look at many factors, including a student's grades in context with their high school's academic rigor, recommendation letters, extracurricular activities, and personal essays. So while a relatively high acceptance rate might seem inviting, you'll still want to put forth a strong application.

Hope this provides some clarity! Do keep researching about the school's academic offerings, campus life, financial aid opportunities, and so on, to see if it fits your goals and needs. Best of luck with your college search.

3 months ago

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