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On the Hunt for an Easy Entry into Military Life: MOS Suggestions?

Veterans, active duty soldiers, or anyone knowledgeable on military careers, I could do with some advice. I've been curious about potentially the 'easiest' Military Occupational Specialty (MOS), either in terms of training or actual responsibilities in the field. Any ideas appreciated!

3 months ago

When it comes to considering what you might classify as the 'easiest' MOS (Military Occupational Specialty), it's important to recognize that the perceived ease or difficulty of a role can be quite subjective and dependent on an individual's skills, interests, and physical abilities.

That said, if you're looking for an MOS that may require less physically demanding training, you might consider something in administrative roles such as a Human Resources Specialist (42A). This MOS is responsible for providing support that affects soldiers’ overall welfare and well-being while assisting leaders with keeping soldiers combat-ready. Despite seeming 'easy', these positions require individuals to have high levels of responsibility and professionalism.

Another MOS that could be considered less physically taxing is an Information Technology Specialist (25B) where you’d manage and troubleshoot networks and systems, both operational and strategic.

The role of a Financial Management Technician (36B) might also suit you. It might involve less strenuous activity, but it certainly requires a good head for figures and involves duties such as financial management, budgeting, disbursing and accounting for government funds.

However, let me stress this point: each role within the military is important and serves a very specific purpose. What is 'easy' for some may be challenging for others and vice versa. It's imperative to choose an MOS not merely based on perceived ease but one that aligns your skills, interests and long-term career objectives.

Remember, entry into military life, regardless of the MOS, requires basic combat training which is itself physically and mentally challenging. You'll need to be prepared for this regardless of your ultimate MOS choice.

Example and stability to one side, it's also important to remember that MOS training often provides you with skills that can be translated into civilian life post-service. Choosing an MOS should ideally be a balance of considering what you feel you could excel at, what interests you, and how it might benefit your long-term career prospects, inside or outside of the military. Lastly, no matter the role or its perceived difficulty, your commitment, discipline, and courage would be the bedrock of your success.

3 months ago

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