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SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Question about U of Washington?

Hello, everyone! I'm trying to learn more about the University of Washington. Can anyone share its major rankings, student life, and how competitive the admissions are?

3 months ago

Hi there! Sure, I'd be happy to provide some information about the University of Washington (UW).

UW is a public research university and consistently ranks among the top public universities in the country. The rankings vary depending on the specific program of study. For instance, its School of Medicine, College of Engineering, and School of Nursing consistently rank highly. Its Computer Science & Engineering program is particularly noteworthy, often ranking in the top 10 in the U.S.

Admissions are competitive. As with any school, a successful application relies on several factors - academic strength, extracurricular involvement, and personal essays. For the Class of 2027, the average GPA of admitted students was a 3.8. While standardized test scores are optional for the current admissions cycles, in previous cycles the middle 50% SAT score for admitted students was 1280-1490.

Student life at UW has a lot to offer, with a multitude of clubs and organizations. The campus is surrounded by the bustling U-District, giving students ample entertainment, shopping, and dining options. The school is also known for its involvement in environmental sustainability, research opportunities, and a strong athletics program.

In terms of housing, under normal circumstances, UW guarantees housing to new, full-time freshmen who request on-campus housing during the priority 1 assignment period. A lot of students also live off-campus in housing nearby.

I hope this helps give you a general understanding about what UW has to offer!

3 months ago

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