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Where are the Best Undergraduate Computer Science Programs?

I'm absolutely sure that I want to major in comp sci in college. As a junior, I've started looking into programs but there are so many options. Can anyone recommend schools with the very best undergraduate computer science programs?

3 months ago

Absolutely, I'd be delighted to share several universities with superb programs for computer science.

Firstly, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Stanford University are often cited as the best computer science programs in the country, if not the world. Both offer rigorous curriculum and opportunities for cutting-edge research, but they are highly competitive.

The University of California - Berkeley also has a strong computer science program, known for research in artificial intelligence, computer systems, theoretical computer science, and more.

Harvard University and Princeton University both boast strong computer science departments, and their liberal arts educations might offer a more well-rounded experience.

Carnegie Mellon University’s School of Computer Science is also highly rated, with strength in areas such as human-computer interaction, machine learning, and robotics.

Keep in mind that these are all very selective universities, so it's important to have safeties and matches on your list as well. Some state schools like the University of Illinois—Urbana-Champaign, the University of California—San Diego, and the University of Michigan—Ann Arbor are also known for strong computer science programs.

It's also critical to consider other factors such as class size, internship opportunities, faculty mentorship, and overall college culture. Keep researching, visit campuses if you can, and use online resources like CollegeVine to glean student experiences. Hope this helps, and best of luck with your college search!

3 months ago

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