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What's The Experience Like in The Most Strenuous Military Training?

Hey guys, so I'm thinking about enlisting after I graduate. I keep hearing about how mentally and physically rough it can be. Does anyone know what the hardest military training is like? I mean, I read some stuff online, but real experiences would be helpful. Any vets or current service members out there who can shed some light?

3 months ago

While I'm not a veteran or currently enlisted myself, I've worked with several students who later joined the military – some of whom underwent the most challenging training programs, like the United States Navy SEALs training or the U.S. Army Ranger School. From what I gathered from their recounts, these programs are not for the faint of heart.

One of the most grueling training programs is Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/S) training undertaken by Navy SEALs. This program lasts for about six months and is divided into three stages.

The first phase is basic conditioning which includes numerous running, swimming, and physical training exercises, with every day progressively becoming more intense. The week famously termed 'Hell Week' falls under this phase, where candidates experience almost continuous training under extreme conditions with minimal sleep.

The second phase is termed as 'dive phase'. It emphasizes combat diving, with both long-distance underwater transit dives and shorter tactical dives. This phase includes strenuous pool competency drills, running, and other physical training.

The third and final phase is 'land warfare phase'; it involves basic weapons, demolitions, land navigation, patrolling, rappelling, and mountaineering. After this, there are still months of additional training to further refine SEAL skills.

Another extreme program is the U.S. Army Ranger School. This is a 61-day combat leadership course oriented towards small-unit combat operations. It's divided into three phases – Benning, Mountain, and Florida phase, each adding a different level of complexity and challenge to the candidates. It's equally mentally and physically demanding – from sleep deprivation and starvation to intense combat simulations and leadership tests.

That said, remember that these programs are designed to push you to your limits and transform you into an elite warrior. The overarching aim is to test your perseverance, teamwork, and leadership skills.

Remember this is not a complete depiction of the experience but an overview based on the recounts I've heard. These programs are individual experiences and will vary based on one's physical ability, mental fortitude, and resilience. The best way to truly know is to get in contact with veterans or current service members who have undergone this type of training. But remember, military training centers are designed to prepare you for every eventuality. It's rigorous, but it's meant to groom you into a physically fit, highly disciplined, confident and competent military personnel, fully equipped to handle the challenges in the line of duty.

3 months ago

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